On Wednesday the 18th of April we had the great pleasure of hosting a speech by Professor Michael Quinlan, Dean of the School of Law at Notre Dame University Sydney.
The topic of this meeting was “Law and Religion: Cooperation or Conflict?”.
Below is an abstract of the what Professor Quinlan presented:
There is no doubting the Christian roots of Australia’s common law and legal system. In contemporary Australia, an observation that a particular law is consistent with or that it has been derived from Christian morality is more likely to be raised as a source of complaint and derision by persons seeking to change the law than recognised as a grounds for maintaining a traditional position. This paper will examine the relationship between law and religion in Australia, with a particular emphasis on Western Australia. The paper argues that the cooperation between law and religion in Australia is under severe strain and that conflict between law and religion is increasing to the extent that greater protection of religion in law is now needed.

The meeting, our second of 2018 was another resounding success with a packed house and a number of esteemed special guests from Western Australia’s political sphere.
We thank you all for your attendance at our meeting and look forward to your attendance at our next meeting.
If you would like to join the Association please see our “join-us” page for free membership and to be informed of all future meetings.