The Western Australian Jurist is a journal dedicated to exploring legal and political philosophy. We are calling for papers for the next edition, which is a special edition concerning the following topic:
Critical Theory and the Tyrant Left
Why this topic?
In the aftermath of the death of George Floyd, people rioted and cities burned. Statues toppled, not just of Confederate leaders but also Union leaders like US Grant and Abraham Lincoln, as well as American Founders like George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. Books like Robin DiAngelo’s White Fragility and Ibram X Kendi’s How to Be an Antiracist became bestsellers. Corporations dedicated themselves to social justice and racial justice.
A new, more extreme brand of leftist thought has caught fire, consuming the old brand of left-liberalism.
In a recent article in Tablet magazine, Bari Weiss wrote:
No one has yet decided on the name for the force that has come to unseat liberalism. Some say it’s “Social Justice.” The author Rod Dreher has called it “therapeutic totalitarianism.” The writer Wesley Yang refers to it as “the successor ideology”—as in, the successor to liberalism.
At some point, it will have a formal name, one that properly describes its mixture of postmodernism, postcolonialism, identity politics, neo-Marxism, critical race theory, intersectionality, and the therapeutic mentality.
In view of this, The Western Australian Jurist has gone with “Wokeshevism”.
We encourage submissions from authors keen to critique Wokeshevism and the theories upon which it draws.
As with our most recent edition of The Western Australian Jurist, which covered Fundamental Rights in the Age of Covid-19, we aim to turn the next edition into an edited book.
Submissions must comply with the 4th edition of the Australian Guide to Legal Citation (‘AGLC 4’). Authors who do not have the AGLC 4 can download a PDF copy by clicking this link.
We would be grateful if submissions are received by Monday, 5 July 2021.
Articles can be submitted using the form here.

“Ably edited by Dr Augusto Zimmermann and Joshua Forrester, Fundamental Rights in the Age of Covid-19 is a special edition of the Western Australian Jurist, a yearly peer-reviewed academic publication of the Western Australian Legal Theory Association (‘WALTA’). It confirms the Western Australian Jurist as a leading publication in the field of jurisprudential thought and legal theory”.
– Emeritus Professor Ross Fitzgerald AM