WALTA Legal Theory, in partnership with The Civilisationists, held on this Wednesday, 27th March, at the RSL Hall in Belmont, the “Nine WA Writers and their Books”. Attended by approximately 150 people, each writer had the opportunity to talk about his latest book for a couple of minutes. These books range from a variety of topics, including history, law, politics, poetry and fiction.
Besides our WALTA President, Professor Augusto Zimmermann, the other writers doing a short presentation about their most recent books were Nicholas Hasluck AM, Ron Manners AO, Professor Alex George AM, Andrew Lansdown, Peter Bridge OAM, Tony Illman and Kenneth Schultz.

Professor Zimmermann, one of the writers invited to participate, spoke about “The Unlucky Country”, his latest joint book with Emeritus Professor Gabriël A. Moens AM. This is the third book Zimmermann and Moens write together as the sole authors. The other two are “Foundations of the Australian Legal System, History, Theory and Practice” (LexisNexis, 2023) and “Emergency Powers, COVID-19 Restrictions & Mandatory Vaccination: A Rule-of-Law Perspective” (Connor Court Publishing, 2022).
WALTA Legal Theory is honoured to work in partnership with The Civilisationists for the realisation of these exciting social and cultural events. The Civilisationists are a part of a worldwide movement of people keen to preserve, protect and promote our Western culture and our civilisation.