Western Civilisation & Cancel Culture Seminar

The Civilisationists in partnership with Professor Augusto Zimmermann’s WALTA cordially invite you for a seminar on


   Our history, our culture and our very right to free speech are being cancelled, and even we are self-cancelling.

When: Wednesday 28 April
Time: 6:30pm for 7:15pm start.
Where: Sheridan Institute of Higher Education (South Wing)
10 Nash Street, Perth WA 6000

The Speakers are

Stephen Hurworth
Joshua Forrester

Stephen Hurworth studied Liberal Arts at the University of Cape Town before migrating to Australia, where he studied Learning Technologies at Charles Sturt University. Combining a love of classics with technology drew him to on-line learning and teaching. He is currently an on-line teacher for a private Christian school providing students with a foundation in the Western cultural traditions of freedom, truth and beauty. Stephen is passionate about the need for the West to recover its own indigenous spiritual and cultural foundations in order for recovery

Joshua Forrester is a PhD candidate in law. He holds a Bachelor of Politics and International Studies with First Class Honours from Murdoch University, and a Bachelor of Laws with First Class Honours from the University of Western Australia. He is the Editor of The Western Australian Jurist law journal, and has written academically on the issues of freedom of expression and freedom of religion. Joshua has also appeared before government inquiries on the subjects of freedom of expression and freedom of religion.

RSVP: By return email or text 0447 036 109

Please advise on booking option 1 or 2

Option 1: Entry, drinks and selected warm finger food (served on arrival) – $20.00

Option 2: Entry and drinks only $5.00

Payable at door or EFT below

Donations: Civilisationists. BSB:066128 A/C 1077 4013