How and why bad laws are introduced and their disastrous consequences
Speakers Include:
Emeritus Professor Gabriël A. Moens AM
The Honourable Julian Grill
The Honourable Brian Burke
When: 6.30pm (7:15 start) on Wednesday, 25th May 2022
Where: Belmont RSL Hall, 22 Leake Street, Belmont/WA
Entry: $15.00
Pizza and pies on arrival. Coffee and cakes after.
Drinks at bar prices.
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The Speakers
Emeritus Professor Gabriël A. Moens AM
Gabriël A. Moens JD (Leuven), LLM (Northwestern), PhD (Sydney), GCEd (Queensland), MBA (Murdoch), MAppL (COL), FCIArb, CIArb, FAIM, FCL, FAAL is Emeritus Professor of Law at the University of Queensland. He served as Pro Vice Chancellor, Dean and Professor of Law at Murdoch University. He also served as Head, Graduate School of Law at the University of Notre Dame Australia. In 1999, he received the Australian Award for University Teaching in Law and Legal Studies. In 2003, the Prime Minister awarded him the Australian Centenary Medal for his services to education. In 2019, he was appointed a Member of the Order of Australia (AM) for his outstanding services to the law and higher education. Also in that year, Professor Moens was named the “International Alumnus of the Year” by the Pritzker Law School of Northwestern University, in Chicago, the United States. He is the author of numerous law books and academic articles, and is broadly recognised as one of the nation’s leading and most accomplished constitutional law professors.
The Honourable Brian Burke
A son of the late T.P. Burke (Former Federal ALP member for Perth) and the late Madeline Burke, Brian Burke started his career as a journalist. Elected to Western Australian Parliament in 1973, he served as Shadow Minister from 1978 to 1982. In 1981, he became Opposition Leader and, at the 19 February 1983 State Election, he became the 23rd Premier of Western Australia, ending almost nine years of Liberal government which had commenced under St Charles Court. Mr Burke was also Australia’s Ambassador to Ireland and the Holy See, from 1988 to 1991.
The Honourable Julian Grill
A graduate in law from the University of Western Australia, Mr Grill was admitted to the Bar in 1966. Originally a Barrister and Solicitor with a specialty in Mining and Resource related law, he represented the mining region of the Eastern Goldfields in the Legislative Assembly of the Western Australian Parliament from 1977 until 2001. During this period Mr Grill held a range of ministerial portfolios covering transport, resources, development and trade. Since retirement from Parliament, Mr Grill has carried on his interest in the resource sector as the chairman of three Goldfields based mining companies, and as a consultant advising an extensive list of companies, including some of the largest mining companies in Australia. He serves on the board of several agencies with interests in education, mining and the environment.