Edited by Gabriël Moens AM and Augusto Zimmermann
Foreword by Bess Nungarrayi Price AM

“One could be forgiven for thinking that the only Christian response to the Voice to Parliament is Yes, if we went by the pronouncements of prominent churchmen and theologians. But I think these prominent churchmen and theologians are misguided on this issue. It is my conviction that when all things are considered, Christians should vote No to this divisive constitutional change. This book is a unique contribution to the debate in that it takes the question of the Voice to Parliament very seriously from a Christian, Jewish and secular point of view. I urge everyone who is pondering how to vote on this momentous question to carefully read this book and give serious consideration to voting No.”
– Dr Stephen Chavura PhD (UNE) BA (Hons. I), Senior Lecturer in History, Campion College.
Foreword by Bess Nungarrayi Price AM
Introduction: The Religious Dimension of the “Voice”
Gabriël A. Moens AM and Augusto Zimmermann
1 The Indigenous Voice – A Christian Case for Voting ‘No’
Peter Barnes
2 The Voice and the Principle of ‘Political Equality’
Gabriël A. Moens AM
3 The Hidden Agenda Behind a “Voice” to Parliament
Augusto Zimmermann
4 Constitutional Recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples
Bob Gregory
5 A Theological Assessment of “The Voice”
Mark Powell
6 The Voice – A Peacemaker’s Paradigm
Neil Johnson
7 What the Good Samaritan Teaches Us About The Voice to Parliament
Julie Sladden
8 A Return to Segregation
Thomas Eglinton
9 The Voice and Freedom of Religion
Dave Pellowe
10 John Paul II Would Not Have Supported the Voice
Rocco Loiacono
11 The “Voice” Referendum: A Choice of National Identity
Shimon Cowen
12 Moral Implications of the Voice for Australia
John Fleming
13 Our Common Humanity and the Search for Truth
David Daintree
14 Not Sorry and Should Not Be
Matthew Littlefield
15 John Rawls and the Aboriginal Question
Paul Collits
16 The Voice: A Legal Deception
Minny Rozario
17 It’s Bad: Morally, Politically and Legally
James Allan
Peter Barnes is a Presbyterian pastor who lives in Sydney.
Gabriël Moens AM is Emeritus Professor of Law at the University of Queensland.
Augusto Zimmermann is Head and Professor of Law at Sheridan Institute of Higher Education and a former member of the Law Reform Commission of Western Australia.
Bob Gregory is a retired Pastor and Christian School Principal.
Mark Powell is the Teaching Elder at Cornerstone Presbyterian Community Church in Hobart.
Neil Johnson is Head of News and Current Affairs at Vision Christian Media.
Julie Sladden is a medical doctor, writer and founding director of Australians for Science and Freedom. In 2022 she was elected as a Local Government Councillor for the West Tamar in Tasmania.
Thomas Eglinton is a Pastor at Smithfield Baptist Church, a Reformed Baptist church located in Sydney’s South West.
Dave Pellowe is the director of Church And State Ministries, and presenter of The Church And State Show, which airs weekly on ADH.TV.
Rocco Loiacono is a Senior Lecturer in Law, Curtin University.
Shimon Cowen is an Australian rabbi and academic. He is Director of the Institute for Judaism and Civilization in Melbourne, Australia.
John Fleming is an author and academic, specialising in medical ethics, political philosophy and public policy.
David Daintree is director of the Christopher Dawson Centre for Cultural Studies in Tasmania. He served as President of Campion College from 2008 to 2012.
Matthew Littlefield is the pastor of New Beith Baptist Church. He is an ordained Minister in the Baptist Union of Queensland.
Paul Collits is a freelance writer and independent researcher. He has taught at tertiary level in three different disciplines – politics, geography and planning and business studies.
Shamina Rozario is an independent journalist, final year Juris Doctor student and national ministry worker. She worked for seven years in remote Indigenous communities doing scripture-based annual camps.
James Allan is the Garrick Professor of Law at the University of Queensland