Western Australia could be the next state in Australia to enact assisted dying legislation. What facts are being hidden from this debate? What answers can be given to people confused about compassion?
This and other issues were discussed thisThursday in ‘Euthanasia in the West’ at Sheridan College in Perth.
Dave Pellowe, host of Pellowe Talk, was joined by the Hon Nick Goiran MLC (Shadow Minister for Child Protection and Prevention of Domestic Violence), Prof Philip Burcham & Bill Muehlenberg in conversation with a live audience, including Q&A to explore this important issue.

Nick Goiran MLC, is the Shadow Minister for Child Protection and Prevention of Domestic Violence at the WA Parliament. He is known to uphold laws and policies that protect human life from conception until natural death, believing that these important values are the guiding principles of our civilisation and the cornerstone of good governance.
We encourage all members of the WA Parliament to read Mr Goiran’s outstanding Minority Report that details the risks of legalising assisted suicide but also stresses the importance of good palliative care.
We would also highly recommend Bill Muehlenberg’s book, The Challenge of Euthanasia (available here) and Dave Pellowe’s website to keep up-to-date on all his projects and events.
Hosted by Dr Augusto Zimmermann, the evening was a tremendous success with a packed house.

Among the audience were the Hon Charles Smith MLC, Maryka Groenewald (Australian Christians’ WA Director), and Jonathan Crabtree (Australian Conservatives’ candidate for the Senate).

We would like to thank Mr Pellowe and his guests, Nick Goiran, Associate Professor Burcham, and Bill Muehlenberg for enthralling evening, and all those who attended.